Having an inclusive and diversified economy, investment in the workforce, and quality jobs are just some reasons why Virginia is the top state for businesses.
Your Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). Don’t have an FEIN? You can get one through the IRS website.
You must have an EIN to register with the Virginia Department of Taxation. You can no longer use your SSN to register.
Business online services primary user’s account information: Name, email, and you’ll need to create a user ID and password (save these to log back in later).
Business information: Legal business name; primary business address and mailing address (for important tax documents and letters, if different than primary address);
for incorporated businesses, date and state of incorporation.
Entity type (ex. corporation, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), limited liability partnership, etc.).
If you’re not sure, the Small Business Administration is a good resource to see which business structure is most appropriate for your business
Your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. Look it up here.
The tax types you need to register for and the date you’ll begin business for the purposes of each tax type.
Most common tax types: Retail sales tax (in-state dealers); Use tax (out-of-state dealers with
nexus in Virginia, or those choosing to collect sales tax as a courtesy
to their Virginia customers); Employer withholding (if you have Virginia employees); Corporation or pass-through entity income taxes.
Primary contact’s information: Name, email address, and phone number.
Responsible party’s information: Name, Social Security number, home mailing address, email address, and phone number.
Most small businesses need a combination of licenses and permits from both federal and state agencies.
The requirements — and fees — vary based on your business activities, location, and government rules.
Based on your business industry, profession or occupation, you may be required to have the appropriate licensure from a regulatory agency, authority or board.
Contact the Commissioner of Revenue, Business License and Permits, or the Department of Finance or the Zoning Office for each city, county, and town
in which your business will have an office or physical location to check local permits and licensing requirements.
For assistance with Business One Stop or inquiries about doing business in Virginia, professional experienced business counselors are available to help you.